Waiting on Photo of Candidate

Cathey, Jack

This nominee has


statements of support.

Affiliation: Megawatt Communications LLC

Nominee Classification: Qualified

Candidate Speech

Nominee Questionnaire

1. ARIN Board of Trustees Qualifications and Responsibilities

Please review the ARIN Board of Trustees Expected Qualifications and Responsibilities thoroughly. Please describe, providing specific details, any barriers you foresee to your fully meeting those qualifications and undertaking those responsibilities. A Trustee’s responsibilities have usually required about 5-10 hours per week.

I see no conflicts.

2. Conflicts of Interest

a) Please disclose any conflicts of interest you may have, real or perceived, that would impact your ability to perform your duty as a member of the ARIN Board of Trustees. (If no conflicts, please enter “N/A”)


b) How do you propose to resolve any conflicts identified in (a)? (If no conflicts identified, please enter “N/A”)


c) Are you currently eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees according to the Conflict of Interest Requirements and the eligibility requirements?


d) If not currently eligible, describe how you will become eligible to serve, if elected (i.e., “If elected, I will resign from the position of ____________ before 31 Dec 2023”). If currently eligible, please enter “N/A”.


3. Education

a) Please list any educational degree(s) you received, the institution and the date issued.

BS Science

Middle Tennessee State University

b) Please list any professional designations, certifications, or development education (non-degree) and the dates completed.

Network Engineer

4. Employment and Experience

a) Please provide the name of any company or organization you currently are employed by, or from which you receive directly or indirectly a material portion of your compensation. Please describe the business of each such entity, your current title, and the office address of the organization.

President of Megawatt Communications since 2009

b) Please refer to the ARIN Board of Trustees Guidance to the 2022 Nomination Committee in answering this question: Please describe your relevant professional experience and expertise and explain how this background will make you an effective trustee.

I have owned and operated a successful ISP since 2009, including budget, compliance, risk management.

Served on FISPA board for over four years.

Served on Lewisburg, TN City Council.

Attach a resume, curriculum vitae, or other biography highlighting your experience most relevant to the duties of the ARIN Board of Trustees. (PDF, DOC, DOCX files only) Remove any personal contact information (postal address, email, and/or phone number) from your resume/CV, as it will be posted publicly as part of the candidate information.


You may also optionally include additional web links to external websites (e.g., social media), though not as a substitute for your biography. One URL per line.

No Response

5. Governance Experience

a) Please identify any boards on which you currently serve that carry fiduciary duties, whether at a for-profit or nonprofit organization. Please note how long you have served and what offices, if any, you have held.

FISPA – Fiber Internet Service Providers of America. Four years. Board Member, Vice President, and President

b) Please identify any other boards on which you have served in the past 10 years that are not included in answer to (a), listing your dates of service.

Marshall County Fair Board- Board Chair

Lewisburg, Tennessee City Council. Ward 5 Councilman

c) How does your past governance experience prepare you to help fulfill that role by serving as an ARIN Trustee?

I feel I have learned many lessons from conflict resolution and risk mitigation from previous boards. I see this experience as being very valuable to a board of this type.

6. Describe any past experience or involvement with ARIN or other Internet governance bodies.

Member. N/A

7. Aside from any governance experience, describe your specific skills, background, and/or areas of expertise you believe will assist the Board in carrying out its duties.

I have many years experience involving customer service, budgets, compliance, and mitigating our risk and exposure. Wile serving on several other non for profits I have seen issues and had direct input as to the resolution on all matters ranging from member grievances to budget and event planning.

All statements of support are held for moderation and subject to the Statement of Support Acceptable Use Policy. Comments without a full, complete name and email may not be approved for publication.
Moderation will be completed within one business day. If you have any questions, please let us know at elections@arin.net.

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